Meet the Team

Team Meldus is on a mission to make simple, powerful software for people who have better things to do

The back story (TL:DR edition)

I'm Glenn, founder of Meldus and an all-too-enthusiast in data and user experiences.

I created Meldus from the ideas, frustrations and moments of clarity accumulated from a career spent wrestling data; to make it work for people who need value from it now.

I've spent years — decades, even — building software for folks who know exactly what they want to achieve, but who have zero interest in installing, configuring and being trained on my software. I've raised capital, run tech companies and served thousands of users around the world, always with the same mission: to create tools that provide value — maybe even delight — as close to instantly as possible.

Maybe you, like me, have experienced the tech industry's attempts at turning data into information: relational and non-relational; stars and snowflakes; marts, warehouse and lakes; even multidimensional hybrid OLAP (oh my!). But over and over, the time and effort for an everyday user to get the business insights they need is still way too long. Too hard to implement + slow to learn = failure.

How Meldus came to life

Meldus was born of a thousand "What if..." moments of design inspiration, usually dictated hurriedly into Siri, at all hours of day or night. There have been ideas inspired by brainstorms with genius colleagues, and from feedback from very smart customers. Everything coalesced around one core concept: allowing business people to get to what really matters in their data with minimal effort. No onboarding, no training. Just instant utility.

In particular, I've had a real obsession with giving users the ability to ask questions of their data, using typical, everyday business speak. The generative AI revolution has helped bring those obsessive ideas into life.

Tested in tough proving grounds

We previewed the early Meldus prototypes with a brutally honest audience of friends and former colleagues (none more direct than our very own COO, Ben). Their feedback? Make it simpler to get started, make it super mobile-friendly, but don't skimp on making it powerful. So we stripped out the excesses, simplified the UX, and tuned the AI to handle nuanced and complex questions.

If you're designing software, I recommend putting it in the hands of your kids. Watching a 10 or 12-year-old navigate your app tells you a ton about its ease of use — they'll compare it to Roblox and Brawl Stars. Business users have the same expectations; theirs are set from booking apartments on Airbnb or choosing what to watch on Netflix. The common thread is that none of these apps need user manuals or implementation consultants. They just work.

Good today, and getting better quickly

We like to think Meldus is really useful right now as that go-to source of real insights into what's happening in your Salesforce data. It's just so much easier than creating yet another report, or waiting on your overworked Salesforce admin to do it for you.

We're awash with ideas on where to take Meldus from here, all of them aimed at giving our users more insight more quickly, and creating the most delightful experience we can. If there's something we can make better, we're all ears;  let us know!

Glenn, CEO