Valuable insights from your Salesforce data with simple per-user pricing. No lock-in contracts, and no setup or integration required.
Unlimited natural language questions of your Salesforce data.
Up to 1,500 characters of custom instructions for more personalized responses.
Save up to 30 requests as reusable Favorites for quick, up-to-date answers to common questions.
Access to all of Meldus's editable draft questions to edit and run.
Connect Meldus to Salesforce production or sandboxes instances.
Subscribe through Microsoft 365 in one of 16 available currencies. Learn more about our pricing.
Certainly! Start your free 7-day trial today and get full access to Meldus. Connect to Salesforce, start asking questions and you'll quickly get a feel for the sort of instant, insightful answers Meldus offers.
To start a Meldus subscription for your team, go to Meldus in Microsoft AppSource and follow the prompts to set the number of users you need and your payment method.
Absolutely! If you'd like us to talk to your IT team, or if you need a hand getting started, just get in touch and we'll happily help you out. If you're not ready to start yet, schedule a demo and we'll give you a personalized run-through of Meldus in our demo environment.