Getting Started

Shortcut commands

Meldus allows you to ask questions of your Salesforce data using natural language. In addition, you can use shortcut commands to the core features of Meldus in Microsoft Teams.

There are five commands available in Meldus:


Favorites allow you to quickly rerun successful questions that you've saved from previous results returned by Meldus.

Custom Instructions

Custom Instructions allow you to provide specific guidance about the nuances of your Salesforce data, allowing Meldus to provide better responses.

Question Templates

Question Templates are pre-built draft questions that you can customize and run; an easy starting point to see what Meldus can do. To learn more about Question Templates, see What are Question Templates?.

Salesforce Connection

To connect to Salesforce, or manage your existing Salesforce connection. To learn more about connecting to Salesforce, see How to connect to Salesforce.

Getting Started

To display Getting Started, which offers useful guidance on the basics of using Meldus.

To use a command in Teams mobile, simply type any characters from the command name into the message compose box and select the command. Or select the command from the Suggested Prompts button.

In Teams desktop or browser, select the command from the View Prompts button.